Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Finally, It looks like I'm rollin out

After all the snafu's I'm finally booked for tomorrows trip across the pond. It's weird for me to say this but I have actually felt guilty the past few days being stuck here when I should have been there. Oh well I guess.

So for those of you who don't have the chance to see this, there are some very vast differences between a military gym and a civilian gym. Most differences come from the funny shit you will see there. I've witnessed some crazy ass exercises in the last few yrs. With the USAF's over emphasis on PT and how fitness trumps the mission people go to such crazy lengths to get an edge. I've read of saran wrap and Preparation-H, liposuction, ex-lax etc.  The exercises are even better. I often laugh and SMH saying wtf?  Today a young sailor here in this gym was doping tricep rope push downs except the weight was too heavy so he would jump up and use his body weight to get it started.  Now I'm all for cheat reps and forced reps. In fact I think they do help break plateaus but this was ridiculous lol.  Well on to today's lift.   I lacked all motivation today, I dunno why I just could not get into it. Its funny how powerful the mind is.  Today I focused soley on shoulders and traps which are consistent weak points and often injured points for me.

Again focusing on volume and little rest.

Military Barbell Press.   135 x10 6 sets  after warm up

DB shrugs supersetted with DB lateral raises 10 reps each  60lb DB and 30lb DB respectively 5 sets total

DB front Raises supersetted  with DB reverse Fly's 25lb DB 12 reps front 8 reps back  5 sets

More DB shrugs 70lbs front and back emphasis x 6 reps 3 more sets

Rotator cuff work 20lb dbs  15 sets each exercise 5 sets.

The only thing I do not like about these lifts is with little rest between sets you blaze through this and should be out of the gym within an hour.  Now for personally I love it because I am naturally impatient and do not have the time that some folks have spending hrs in the gym. I want to be in and out.  However I need to adapt to my new location where the only thing to do is Lift and work for the next 6 months. It will be hard mentally for me to keep up in focus after 1 hr in there. I just have no idea how someone cal lift for an hr plus than do cardio. I guess I better learn.

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