Saturday, July 16, 2011

Alright, 1 week down, LONG week but its a week. The Diet is on

Time hinders my ability to really update this daily, not that anyone is following but it gives me a chance to read back and track progress. Im slowly settling into a schedule here. I've almost got used to the heat, like yesterday it was about 108, i thought  wow this isn't too bad, it was 120 yesterday. LOL

Lifting is coming around, having 7 days to workout as opposed to 5 is really great for recovery and getting more work in. I completed a good full week of high rep bloid flowing lifts,  Shoulders, Back tri's legs. I really got to work the kinks out. May hot some power this week  4-6 rep range to get some baseline numbers for all the major compound movements.  It's pretty hard to lose weight here, The food is pretty good, and there is plenty of it and its FREE,  I eat about 4 full meals a day, plus cliff bar protein bars in between.  I drink about 3 gallons of water, but piss out 4.  I really need to dial in the meal sizes  I really only had carbs on Pasta thursday lol, and had a piece of cheesecake in the early part of the week. For the most part its been all eggs bacon, chicken and fish.  They have every dessert here you can think of which sucks. But will power is working.  Cardio is so hard to do because of the crippling heat. I did try to get almost 3 miles in yesterday at 0530 but even then the heat index was 110 so I hope to venture over to the cardio shack and look at the in door route.  Maybe hit the pool and swim laps.

I'm leaving for downtown Doha shortly kind of excited, super nervous. Say what you will but I still refuse to trust the arab world so it is what it is, I need to be shot for looking at a girl that walks by or kidnapped for being the white devil. Sure it doesnt happen often but whatever. Its my feelings and im free to feel this way until proven other wise.

Tons of time to do school work. which is awesome.

and the number 1 great thing about it here is the mission. Here I feel like I matter, like a key cog, i get 20 plus calls a day about items. Even more emails from all ranks needing this or that. I really feel important here. Not like back in the states. Obviously the mission wont stop at patrick if they don't get their soccer balls, tool chests, or furniture.  But here if they don't get that 500kw generator for their shop then the shop doesn't run etc.  so a Sense pf purpose here really puts things into perspective. Especially seeing how busy it is here. Its go go go go go go.

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