Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Food, food and more food

It's been a fun few weeks in the gym.  Each week more reps and weight are being added. Nothing has changed aside from diet.  Eating full balanced meals in place of on the go eating at home has changed the entire dynamic.  Meat veggies and fruit at every meal.  This weeks highlights

Bench. 285 x 10 reps. No wrist pain
Dead lift.  325x 10 reps. Cardio coming along

Squats 265x 14 reps

I'm digging this new app. After next week ill reset the max's to account for the new numbers and increase all e poundage

Cardio being e weakest link for me always and for ever is starting to take hold. I even did 20 min of eliptical machine after legs,  of course I can't walk today but it still felt good.

Here is where I posted my opinion on the recent sexual assault bs in the military and the impending witch hunts that will follow for all the evil heterosexual male rapist but I digress   There are people out there that get off on using our inability to have free speech against  ill refrain sit back and get my popcorn ready

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