Monday, April 29, 2013

Week 4 Daily lift. Cutting the fat

Scale said 223 today that's about 5lbs down this month.  Not a bad start, but damn I'm starving haha.

The nice thing about being away is that I can train a body part each day and do cardio after, instead of racing through my lift to pick up kids etc.  

I use the 5/3/1 program and it has an app that I use and it's awesome. A great program with flexibility

Today was chest.  Week 1 all 5 reps for the main lift flat bench
All you do Is put your max in and the app will calculate the rest for you easy as that.

My max bench is 350 lbs so today's main lift went like this

225x5 ( the app said 205 but I adapted)
265x5+ meaning do 5 but rep to failure as it will adjust for you in the future on the app. I got it for 10 which put my new max at about 352.  Not bad with a sore wrist.

Afterward was a lot of assistance lifts. Incline bench 4 sets. Cable crosses high setting and low setting 4 sets each.   Stretched. Did some hanging leg Raises and some weighted decline sit ups then hit the tread mill for 20 min.  I do some variation of treadmill elliptical mountain climbing wall every day for 20 min and a few evenings a week go for a 2 mile run.   I figure by July progress should be full tilt.

Ill cover food and supplements. In tomorrow edition

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