Saturday, April 20, 2013

Return to the middle East

It was a quick 14 months since I departed Qatar, when I found myself with short notice 1 week to prepare orders to Kuwait.  The last year flew by simply because I had 4 TDY's during that timeframe totalling 13 weeks. SO essentially I was only really home 9 months.  This tour will be unique as it is a DCMA tasking. Basically administering a little over 2 billion dollars in contracts for Northern Kuwait.  Even more challenging is the fact that the notice came down 10 days prior, the person I replaced had already left and the turnover provided was via Facebook haha. All the turnover in the world could not prepare me for the Army.  God bless anyone who can serve a day in this organization.  Wow,  more on that in the future. The day I arrived the Army felt the need to pull access from us to a certain network drive that basically contained every document I will need to perform my work. In addition after 2 weeks the Army still hasn't set up my email lol

So short notice orders, no turnover, no access to anything that I need to do work, and no email to conduct business.   Piece of cake,  I am convinced I was sent here to fail, I really am.  However I wont, I've traveled the 2 plus Hours to another Army post to burn the documents I need to DVD's and Hard drives.  I'm using my stateside AF email address to conduct business, and I talk to everyone like I already know what Im doing lol.  Truth is I'm clueless.   Its been a really rough start, but on the flip side it is a DCMA tasking so its much slower than last yrs tasking so I have the time to figure it out.

As much as I hate leaving home, I look forward to these taskings for personal and professional growth, a chance to reflect alone on life, a chance to physically grow and change and last an adventure to say the least. I'm basically my own boss here with my own room and my own vehicle. That is unheard of for someone with my rank. I'm in the office about 14 hrs a day but I do leave for food, gym, and occasionally downtown to see the locale. You never really know fear until you drive 200 KPH in downtown just so you do not get ran off the road and die.    More to come..........

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