Monday, April 22, 2013

Love to breathe in that Fresh Air!

Yes something about the desert, really makes ya feel great. Blowing your nose 15 times a day as mud comes out, hacking up your lung because its coated in dust. Waking up and bleeding from all the crap. : im gonna edit this part, I often forget as a military member I am not allowed to form an opinion and better not post anything that can be used against me lol:  . At that point I nodded off to dream land as he rattled on thinking of the day that I'll be surfing with my friends in Puerto Rico upon my return from this little tour.    Aside from all the fun civilian stuff, my training is starting to hit its stride.  2 months after a small wrist fracture I was able to put up 305 for 6 reps yesterday with little pain, should be back to form in no time.

Diet is coming alone nicely as well, if they would just put the dessert bar in a different place and not near the exit I would be fine. 

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