Thursday, April 25, 2013

Marathon, not a sprint...

Progress comes slowly, finally today a got an email address. How about that 3 weeks later and finally some progress. I guess I am just used to go go go and the mentality here is whatever. But god forbid if you speak up about it, you get called unprofessional for actually caring, wanting the tools to do the job and well wanting to work.

Speaking of progress, the week or 2 leading up to deployment I didn't do anything. Ate pizza, drank beer, no physical activity. I figured shit 6 months to clean it up. Here I am back at it. Chopped chicken, veggies all day. Bleh! but it worked last time and time for more work.

This photo is from day 2 in country 228 lbs.  I know its a crap pic, however this is the best you get in a man can.   Today I am 224 so its starting slowly.  Marathon and not a sprint.  I'll be training 5/3/1.  Cutting cals slowly over time, because frankly thats all I have is time.  The food is good and the gym is adequate and well there is no office here so to speak so its just me alone for 6 months.    The clock has started.  Time to roll.

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