Sunday, September 4, 2011

Its been about 2 weeks since my last update

Well its been a supershitty 2 weeks. My laptop crashed so im typing on my tablet. Work is fair, living here has become more of a pain in the ass than anything. Homelife is meh so all this piles up quickly and the stress is just no good. Not only does stress make you feel like shit, but it also causes a cascade of hormones in the body that leads to fat gain, misery etc. Great healthy ways to combat stress is naturally physical exercise. I can honmestly say i feel my best the moment i leave the gym. The endorphins are flowing and i feel the equivilinet to that runners high that people say they get. Me I get nausous when I run but oh well.

I always tell those folks who are really stressed to go to the gym and really hammer the weights, you feel so much better and it can really help to cope with all the minute bullshit that occurs at this place.
After 2 months here I have learned that i would rather live in a cardboard box in the mountain somewhere and be a normal person, then to stay here in this mindless daycare where top leaderships main focus is pt belts and what they can do to stop people from untucking their shirts during their workout. 3 seperate occasions last week some dipshit stopped me in the middle of a run or a workout to inform my my shirt was untucked ( which was a big no shit sherlock im wiping the sweat off my face because it was 105 degrees out) or because my sleeve had rolled up during a lift.  I'm often asked why i want to get out after 10 yrs of service. well frankly the USAF has become a gigantic cluster ffuck of a fialed social experiement. I used to tell kids all the time it was a great life and a good start to get out there. Now I tell them to run unless they can train themselves to be a mindless robat with no thoughts or opinions. Because now if you drink sip the blue koolaid you support terrorism.

sorry for the tangent. This nagging wrist injury just refuses to heal. So it looks like i need to take some time off. Time off is always a good thing after every 8 to 10 weeks of heavy training. It gives the body a chance to heal and really recover so you can start the next 10 weeks. I imagine the next week ill focus on core work swimming and running, and dial back the heavy uper body lifting in hopes that my wrist heals up.  oh yeah typing on this tablet kind of sucks as well. lol

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there, Joe! Sorry to hear about the wrist injury; believe me, having had one myself for the last ~6 weeks, I understand how frustrating it is not to be able to train like you want to and need to. I know you will bounce back as soon as you can! Thinking of you. God Bless xo
