Monday, September 19, 2011

Finally got my new laptop, time for an update

SO the last few weeks have just flat out sucked. Its been a ton of tiny shit that has just went wrong to make things miserable. My laptop crashed, the vendor on the base that does the laundry lost 3/4's of all my clothes so I had to go buy new ones, the brand new 3000.00 well I had installed at my house in April shit itself, so the wife is dealing with that.  All in a 3 week span.  Yay right

Atleast I will say, my wrist is about all healed up, lifting has been going great, cardio has slacked hardcore. I think I just hit a wall with diet and cardio i had to switch it up, I cheated a few days, ate pizza had my first icecream milkshake, ate some burgers. It felt good, but now I gotta get back into cardio mode.  The temps have finally slipped out of the 100's which makes for cool evenings in the 80's which means I can run now.

I did my first DB bench press yesterday since I hurt my wrist in July, It wasn't bad  I was able to complete 3 sets of 5 using the 130lb db's  I felt good.

I've recently added RK500 extreme to my daily intake, Its a Raspberry Ketone product from SNS, if you don't know what Raspberry Ketones do  google them, I think women would love them

Any little bit helps.   I've also been adding those Power gel Carb gels by the company that makes powerbars.  Its basically 25 grams of glucose and i take a packet with my pre workout which has been either APPnuts  Lit-up or Ergo's  Egopump.     Talk about sick pumps.  I end up finishing all my lifts chasing the pump. repping it out like a mad man until im in pain,  but the pumps have been out of site I took a bunch of photos to compare when I first got here and luckily for me my cable for my camera is missing  wtf seriously. I will say this My pants are literally falling off, Im the leanest I have been since i've been in the military which is a great feeling. Progress is slower then I'd like but it's still progress and I'm barely half way done with this ride so I have time to crank the next few months.

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