Monday, March 12, 2012

Been a Long long time

I'm not even gonna get into the absence. All I will say is it was eye opening and I met all my fitness goals.  I returned stateside with new goals, new outlooks and new training. I wont get into much detail tonight. But the shift in focus has made training fun again, It had gotten so stale and so painful and had become counter productive.  Now its fun, i look forward to it and wake up each day thinking about the afternoon training session.  Using unorthdoxed methods, Surfing, bike riding, running, kettle bells, chains, and bands.

Diet has changed,  supplements have changed, researched has changed.  Herbs, Fruits, and life extension techniques are on the horizon.  I am focused more on quality of life then lifting 500 lbs.

I am excited for the summer, I am excited for the next steps.

stay tuned.........

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