Wednesday, March 14, 2012

What do you do when life gets in the way?

It was a short time ago that arrived home after deployment in what was possibly the best shape of my life.  Not the strongest or the biggest but overall the best. I had just ran my fastest 1.5 mile PT test since i've been in uniform. I dropped 20lbs, and overall I felt great, looked great, diet was great, and overall everything was great. The life returned and got in the way. Kids, work, school, wife, dog, vet bills dr visits, tdy's, and trips to day care.  Fast forward 3 months and I've ran 2 times, i've become what I have dread, too damn busy for the things I love. I'm rushing through the gym, racing to get the kids out of daycare and home for dinner school housework etc. Life is in the way. Ugh  So now I am trying to adapt and overcome. That is where my latest routine has fit in. More on that in another post. Diet has changed again, supplementation has changed again, and training has changed again. Life just keeps rearing its ugly head.   Today during some downtime I decided to dig around into my future, a future not in the military and I learned a hard shitty fact.  As much as our pay sucks for the job we do, the benefits we get add a lot of value in the equation. Up until this morning I was 150% deadset on punching out in 2 yrs. I just can't stand being in the military anymore. However I realized that in doing so, i am going to lose a lot of money. Isn't that a shocker. Getting out to find a better job is going to cost me. A LOT!  Taxes, medical benefits, are going to take a huge chunk from me. It's brought a lot of doubt now. I cannot even make a lateral move leaving the service. Taking a GS-12 will result in a lower check and there is no way in F&*( I will land that spot out of the military, the best I can pray for as I am told is a GS-11 which is a loss of about 700 bucks a week.  Ouch!    Life again gets in the way of my dreams.  Is there a price on sanity, a price on no longer worrying every day when I show up to work if I am going to get orders to some shithole dirtbox in that god forsaken pace called the middle east.  Or the worry of PCS orders in which we have to pack up and move again.  Is not worrying about that ever again worth 700 a week? Who knows.  Hell at this point I may not even get that spot where I am at now so do I travel into Orlando? We want to stay here, that wont happen in uniform,  remember when things were simple?

I don't.

So my outlet for this Mt Everest level of stress is the gym, a place a rarely have time for anymore.  This is why people lose their mind. Drink and go nuts.  I get it now lol   Enough with the crybaby BS, i'll get into the new training and diet at a later time.

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