Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The light at the end of the Tunnel, the search for that Esteem boost.

That phrase carries many meaning. The last yr has been a transformation for me unlike any other. I've dropped close to 25lbs and should learn my bodyfat this week after I step into the BOD POD If I had to estimate I would hope I am at the 10% level finally. The hardest part of all this has been mental. Getting over my ego with regards to losing strength, size, and all that hard work of getting big. On the flip side I look better than I ever have and I am in great cardiovascular shape. I'm surfing, running, riding the bike and weightlifting each week. A visit to my Doc last week revealed awesome news which has renewed some confidence in my otherwise dilapidated mental state. The lack of confidence and self worth were pushed aside as I really felt like I had turned a corner. My supplementation has been simplified. The only thing I am lacking is that support system I have long desired and yearned for. It will never exist but if it did this journey would be much easier lol.

Right now ErgoGenix's  ErgoTest is working wonders.  iForce's Hemavol is a great stim free pre workout, and Fat free by App nut is doing the fat loss role after I finished my Ergoshred. Fishoil, UniLiver, multi-V and Vit D3 round out the morning pill fest.   Food intake has been adequate although some days my hunger goes crazy.  What I am looking forward to is the next 6 weeks. I go TDY across the state to Tyndall and I am bringing along the bike. 6 weeks of school and working out, running, bike riding, golfing, and training. I hope to be dialed in for the summer and can work on maintaining and looking great. But most importantly for me will be feeling great, about myself and getting back some self esteem and reversing this burnout that is weighing me down.

Until next time,  lets get ready to ride

1 comment:

  1. Hey dude, great news. I'm trying to bulk myself -- I'm very new to this and I know appreciate how hard it is. Your blog keeps me inspired!
