Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The begining

I don't know much about this blog stuff, however, I wanted to start one as I venture off to Al Udeid, Qatar for 6 months. This blog will be my training blog, I hope to accomplish some new goals on the fitness aspect. Age has caught up to me and some health issues in recent months have made training like I used to difficult. With new found knowledge and research I'm hoping the next 6 months will result in a transformation not seen since my early 20's.  Without the distractions of kids, house, daycare, family and the hustle and bustle of daily life i hope to take advantage of the time away and make it positive. Instead of counting down the days til I return I hope to mark the progress I so much need.

I absolutely hate the fact that I have drifted so far off course. Work, school, family and job training have taken up all my time leaving what little time left for the gym to become something of going through the motions. I look like hell, I've gained body fat, I've lost strength, I've lost desire to train and the once obsession that I had with the iron has now been viewed as a chore. Physical and mental exhaustion has taken hold and maybe the timing is right on this " deployment". I have 2 classes left until graduation than its right into my Masters. So that is still on my plate, however with just work and school it will be like the old days when I was younger.

I will be going into this full tilt. Even though my goals are not what they once were, I am hoping for a total body transformation. I want to run further faster. I'm not so much focused on the heavy numbers as I once was, because frankly I just cant do it. My joints hurt, and this tired body just can't deadlift 500lbs or Bench press 350 anymore. I'm hoping for a overall more conditioned streamlined look. minus 10lbs.  I'll add photos, training days, supplementation, diet and all those other fun thoughts and rants. I doubt anyone will read, but it's nice to come back and read this after 6 months hoping that I have seen some change. 

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